Friday, December 26, 2008

Shackled to Veins - POEM of the WEEK! 12/27

Shackled to Veins

I am bound to the gravity
Of each situation I pass
From the fall of an hourglass
Met in restrained antiquity
Which limits creativity
By the links in my chains
As I am shackled to veins.

Also published (in moderately different form),
in the 2007 Ina Coolbrith Circle Anthology

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Deed [a pantoum] - POEM of the WEEK! 11/30

Deed (a pantoum)

If love is supposedly the song of the modern age,
why are there battle-cries filled with hate?
Few practice the Golden Rule offstage
while others treat it like a mandate.

Why are there battle-cries filled with hate?
Many deny or gasp at this trampling thought,
while others treat it like a mandate
in a power-for-peace onslaught.

Many deny or gasp at this trampling thought:
we are giving, but within a border,
in a power-for-peace onslaught
until chaos crumbles to order.

We are giving, but within a border
built on a forgotten cornerstone
until chaos crumbles to order.
Then why is it carved on our tombstone?

Built on a forgotten cornerstone,
few practice the Golden Rule offstage.
Then why is it carved on our tombstone
if love is supposedly the song of the modern age?


"Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?" -- Proverbs 20:6

2008 Ina Coolbrith Circle, 3rd place in the "War and Peace" category.