Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Climb - POEM of the WEEK! 03/14

The Climb

The climb, with its many bends and rises,
bends and rises once more –
there is always more.

To say “almost there”,
then see another bend and rise
sends a switchback of betraying thoughts –
turn around and go back, never!

But, the climb bends
and rises once more –
there is always more.

More pain, more sweat, more love
for this climb overlooking the eagle perched
atop a tree examining the green grass and rock
and life scurrying and hiding under the rock, in the tree.

And, the climb bends and rises,
rises my heart beyond a rate
the beauty this road
will take me when I reach the top.
Until then, I will say there is always more.


“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which
God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 3:14

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Road Map - POEM of the WEEK!

The Road Map
(a pantoum)

If the road map is in the car
Why are we so off course?
Most have differing views of where we are,
Others may say, “consider the source.”

Why are we so off course?
Some lay blame to those in the backseat,
Others may say, “consider the source.”
While others ignore the signs on the street.

Some lay blame to those in the backseat;
The new technology shuts off our mind
While others ignore the signs on the street,
So much riding with the blind.

The new technology shuts off our mind;
Some of us choose to turn around,
So much riding with the blind,
It’s about time the lost are found.

Some of us choose to turn around;
Most have differing views of where we are,
It’s about time the lost are found
If, the road map is in the car.


Similar in theme to Drawn.

Also published, in slightly different form, in the 2009 Ina Coolbrith Circle Anthology.

[Artist: David A. Douglas. Taken on a road trip
through central Nevada with my brother Paul.]

(If using a phone to read this poem, turn your phone sideways for the best view of this post.)