Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Format Beginning 2012 - "Poem of the Month"

New for 2012, Carpe Velo is changing to a new format - "Poem of the Month" - in order for the author to focus on a new full-time career path. Thank you to all who follow this blog, and to those who happen upon it and read. Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

(Since the inception of this blog, up until now, a "Poem of the Week" was posted. Years after this post, a variety of edits and deletions have occured. These actions were a result of creative growth. Therefore, when viewing the Blog Archive, you will see many gaps from one week to another.)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Nothing to Write - POEM of the WEEK!

Nothing to Write

I see starving towns and big money
I see blood and false-testimony
And if you were President
In a world when no one repents
To the God they say does not exist
On the forgotten list
Will you have nothing to write?

In moments when I can only scream
For a dieing child, escaping in a dream
To the village called the earth
Her flesh is traded without worth
While my eyes remain chained to the flat panel
Another channel
With nothing to write.

And through the iron spyglass
Shared with a view exceedingly fast
I saw an image, but in reverse
Dictating my pending verse
On a page blank and crumpled and torn
With nothing to write.

Yet, a faultless messenger
Humbled himself before anger
And revealed a vision from the past
One which was meant to last
But he was met with fight and flight
When he had nothing left to write.

And I hear of wars and rumors of more
I hear of battle lines drawn at the front door
But if you are President
As if you are the one sent
And if, you indeed, repair ev’ry shattered heart and broken window
With a peace below
Will you have nothing left to write?

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Other Side of Doubt - POEM of the WEEK!

A selection from my book
"Retro," which uses a
cinquain - a 5-line poem.

The Other Side Of Doubt

I slept on the other side of doubt
Last night and the night before;
Oh, how I relish a sleep devout,
Discovering what dreams turn out –
From surreal paintings to heroic lore.

But not all nights are such an oasis –
Cajoling scoundrels of the day,
Anxiety monsters invading my palace,
And razor tongues haunt me sleepless
As childhood stomping grounds disobey.

The clock ticks by in counter rhythm
And echoes against the window
With pervasive thoughts so phantom;
I struggle to discover the right serum
As this battle rages on my pillow.

Yet, I will not be deprived tonight –
I locate green pastures throughout,
Ask for calming waters of respite,
Filling my soul even into daylight
To sleep on the other side of doubt.

Psalm 23: 1-3;
Philippians 4: 6

Artist: Dave Douglas