Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Second Chances - POEM of the MONTH!

Second Chances

I wish second chances were like dimes.
If only forgiveness and grace could be easily found
like the dimes on the sidewalk
where I inadvertently bumped into you the other day.
I was just carrying my groceries to my car.
But instead of picking up the clearly visible currency of love, 
you lashed out with colorful metaphors and questioned my parentage.

I wish second chances were like dimes.
If only I had picked up a few
from the cup holder in my car as I approached your 
front door only to discover you stood me up. 

I wish second chances were like dimes.
If only you had a pocket full of them when I yelled at you.
You only forgot to take the trash out ...
what was I thinking when a slurry of saliva spewed
from my mouth along with the superlatives which
sent you into a spiral of sadness.
Even though I eventually asked you for a dime,
we didn't speak the rest of the day.

I wish second chances were like dimes.
If only I had taken the time to grab a handful
when you borrowed my car without asking
and crashed it into my ego.
If only I picked up the dime I saw in the hallway
after you struck me down by the slander of misinformed gossip.
If only we could see through our drunken display of insults
at the last wedding we attended a decade ago,
as we both needed to exchange this valuable currency.

If only, ...

I wish second chances were like dimes.
If only we could go to the bank and withdraw them in rolls
so we'd have plenty for those close to us; and when out 
and about interacting with the other humans.

It's quite possible I offended you at some point.  
I'm sure I took your seat,
or that choice parking spot
or I flashed a condescending grin after hearing your poem.
Or to you, I'm sure there's something you're stewing over.
Perhaps a lack of greeting
even though I did spread salutations to the rest of your table,
or maybe I cut in front of you in line,
or maybe I have yet to pay you back.

Hey! I'm just like you.
Full of holes in my pockets and sometimes lacking a dime.
I'm just one of the many other human beings
on the streets and in the cafes of any given city ...

"Hey mister, can you spare a dime?"



For Heaven's sake, I know someone
with an endless pocket-full of dimes!