Sunday, November 1, 2020

Telling Time - POEM of the MONTH!

Telling Time

I overheard a fragmented sentence
Which included the phrase "telling time" --
But I did not think of hands on a clock;
Instead, I pictured a character
Gregory Peck might have played,
Slowly dissecting a line, a thought,
In front of a small crowd:

And what would you say to Time?
Would you tell it to slow down, or speed up?
Would you ignore it? Like a passing whim,
Like a phase of your life long forgotten,
Or -- or would command it?
Order it about like a soldier,
Never allowed to question you.
Well my friends, to have such power
Over a constant of this planet
Would mean you are God.
But you are no God!
We are not! And we cannot tell time;
For we did not make time --
And neither did it make you.
I say, it is a gift! A gift --
That these hands, could give back.


"... whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
-- Matthew 25:40b

(If using a phone to read this poem, turn your phone sideways for the best view of this post.)