Sunday, December 31, 2023

Midnight - Special Edition Poem

There is a moment
between today
and tomorrow
when we attempt
to make sense
of the chaos; or
is it the time
between yesterday
and today? It’s not
really a question,
just sometimes –
a split second thought –
to ponder, repeatedly.
It is the first time
when both hands
come together. The time
when people are asleep or
celebrate a new year.
When one day spills
into another with
a spilled drink, a kiss or
slumber. When one hand
holds the other
in dreams forgotten or
nightmares shared
and creeps into tomorrow,
or is it today?
Is there an answer, even at
the last stroke of midnight?
Because by then,
on any given night,
most of us are asleep –
and our dreams are
too surreal, not of order.
Perhaps, there’s some clarity
in the light of midday
when our hands 
come together again.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Road to Ever Land - POEM of the MONTH!

Road to Ever Land
Dead to sin but shackled to veins
Whether I crawl or stand
I am alive with you
To Ever Land

With my back to the ground
And my face to the sky
I call your name
With a cry
When the darkness attacks
And the enemy is near
Inside the cave
Nothing clear
Sheep run to slaughter
From trouble in the street
By an angel of light
Full of deceit
With my face to the ground
And my back to the sky
I call your name
With a cry
Take me
I’m falling
Hold me
I’m calling
When shadows rise and lurk
But your renewal is near
Inside my soul
You are clear
When the moonlight shines
And the road is dim
You lead the way
Sunny or grim
When the night kisses the dawn
Your dreams touch the nigh
You call my name
With a cry
You conquered death
Lifted me from the sand
I am alive with you
In Ever Land

Monday, November 20, 2023

Matt Brown's Favourite Poem - Special Edition

Matt Brown’s Favourite Poem

A time, and a time again
He heard the whisper
Over the starry rooftop
Then ignored the accuser
A part of the greater family
Retreated from the façade
Part of the bride, with his       
He is here, we thank God

Image courtesy of Matt Brown
Though time divides
By space or not
Friend and brother
We never forgot 

Return to cemetry gates
But only in reminiscence
He writes of a robot toaster
With intellectual abundance
Though with frosted head
And lines read between
Wisdom written on his face
Not from the silver screen
A legacy for many, he lives
And departs his experience
To the next generation
Not sole, but his soul audience
Blinded by faith and sight
With and without doubts
His steps stay the course
Stand firm! The rock shouts
Though time divides
By space or not
Friend and brother
We never forgot
The greater family, our names
Written in the book of Eternity
The survivor has more to write
Until that day of immortality


(Inspired by the title, not the content, of "Marlene Dietrich's Favourite Poem" by Peter Murphy.)

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Tomatoes - a short story


"Tomato debris on the church building."
Mr. Muddy Suitman is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

There once was a church with some believers who disagreed with others on a specific topic. Sometimes the disagreement escalated into shouting, other times into gossip and even insults. They all believed that Jesus is the Vine, and the believers are the branches. But soon they allowed their disagreement to divide. So, some attended the new “Church of Tomatoes Are Fruit,” and some attended “Tomatoes Are a Vegetable Church,” while several others were so disenfranchised they no longer attended church nor ate tomatoes. One day, when no one was looking, many of them got tomatoes in their eyes when Jesus returned. 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Spirit - POEM of the MONTH!

My mind struggles
To visit my soul;
My soul is distraught
By my rebellious spirit
My spirit craves
For my mind to understand;
My mind reaches out
But cannot fill my spirit
"The Clearing Mist" by 
Richard Walker Photography 
is licensed under 
CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

My soul is empty
Without the Spirit;
The Spirit satisfies
My mind and soul


Friday, September 1, 2023

Clock on the Wall - POEM of the MONTH!

Clock on the Wall
There’s a clock on the wall
And it’s counting backward
In time to realize the fall
Of my criminal buzzard
The sunrise at midnight
Is just a dream or nightmare
In the opposite of light
Nothing is truly clear
Time and time, just once
In a life, to see the sign
To see my utter defiance
Because none of its benign

Open the door, don’t brag
While in the thick fog
I will raise the white flag
Because there’s no epilogue
Shepherds feed their sheep
Farmers reap what they sow
While the grasshoppers weep
And ants planned long ago
There’s a clock on the wall
And its counting will cease
In time for the harvest of all
To eternal death, or peace

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

I Swallowed the Sunrise - POEM of the MONTH!

I Swallowed the Sunrise

I swallowed the sunrise
When I forgave you again
When the horizon said goodnight
Your darkness was hard to forget
You poured out your pride
At the top of the mountain
From the vista on high
I saw every carved canyon
Don’t ask me to love you
Don’t pray for tomorrow
Don’t expect me to follow
You’re on your own tonight

We drank with a toast
To our mutual award
Mine perched in the heavens
Yours within a crevasse
My darkness was hard to forget
When the horizon said goodnight
But I forgave myself again
Don’t ask me to love you
Don’t pray until tomorrow
Don’t expect me to follow
I’m on my own tonight

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Shackled to Veins (Reprised Extended Version) POEM of the MONTH!

Shackled to Veins (Reprised Extended Version)

"A poem begins with a lump in the throat; a home-sickness,
or a love-sickness. It is a reaching out toward expression;
an effort to find fulfillment."
- Robert Frost

I am bound to the gravity
Of each situation I pass
From the fall of an hourglass
Met in restrained antiquity
Which limits creativity
By the links in my chains
As I am shackled to veins.

As I am shackled to veins
And recall past stains
Which provide creativity
Only realized by iniquity
For the perpetual papyrus
Unlike an angel’s compass
I am inspired by this gravity


(If using a phone, turn your device horizontal to best view this post.)

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Questions in the Dark - a short story

Questions in the Dark

“Mommy?” the mousy voice of little Hope asked on a mid-Sunday afternoon.

Her mother didn’t answer; instead, she took another swig of beer while she nuked a tray of mac-n-cheese.

Hope didn’t give up, “Mommy?”

“What the f—?” she exploded.

“Answer the damn brat!” Raven interrupted as she took another drag from a joint – her source of recovery from a night of meth.

“I’m not – a, a brat.” Hope stuttered.

“Don’t talk back to your Aunt!” Mommy scolded.

Hope muttered under her breath, “Not my aunt.”

“She’s my dead brother’s widow,” she cried.

A gunshot down the street rang out. The TV echoed the latest disasters – the latest war, the latest school shooting, the latest pandemic, the latest rape, the latest political scandal, the latest nation to fall victim to anarchy, others to martial law – and the list drug on. Eventually, her mommy returned to her nuked meal.

The kitchen, where Hope was coloring, was filled with more tension than smoke – a razorblade was needed to cut through both.

The scars on mommy’s wrists from years past released nothing, just more anger. She glared at the lump on the sofa.

 “Get a job bitch!” Mommy scolded Raven which was received by the bird. Smoke and tension swirled in slow-motion. With the same speed Mommy returned her face to Hope, “What did you want?”

The innocent mouse retreated, “Nothing.”

“Well, it must’ve been something.”

In her cannabis-induced state, Raven shouted, “Bitches! Shit up!”

Hope laughed.

Mommy shot a glare at Raven, “Why – why I let you stay here.”

Raven failed to stand, and fell back down, “Too bad you couldn’t afford the abortion for this one.”

Hoped dropped her head down in pain. She glanced at her mommy to be rescued but found none. Hope’s sadness grew. She returned to coloring. Moments later, her creativity along with the bright yellow Crayon reignited her curiosity. With a quick sniffle, she regained her courage, “Mommy?”

“What now?” Her mommy’s patience ran thin like cracked ice on a lake.

It had been years since Hope had seen a lake with or without ice. Her daddy took her and mommy there once. It reminded her of the laughter they once shared as a family – their shared warmth seemed to melt the ice on that spring vacation. But it quickly froze over when they returned home.

Hope gazed through the smoke and tension into the indifference of her mother’s eyes. She was about to repeat her previous cowardice response but relied upon her curiosity instead, “Why is it so dark?”

“What?” Her mommy cared not nor dared not engage the thought process to answer.

It was obvious from Hope’s expression that she had been pondering the question for a long time – at least for a little girl, it felt like years.

Raven opened her eyes enough to supply an answer as if delivering it in a zip-loc off the street, “It’s hell on earth kid—” her words faded at the same speed as her brain cells.

“Huh?” Hope’s confusion grew like the haze in the air.

By this time, her mommy was engrossed in her mac-n-cheese; she sighed after each bite, “Same old shit!” But she continued to shovel the orange and yellow noodles into her chapped face.

Hope started to cry. Not a full-fledged blubber, but more of a grasp at hope. Her tears were the only thing to soften the dry indifference of her mommy.

Her mommy shoved her tray aside, “Okay. What?” She folded her arms.

Raven was completely incomprehensible when she attempted to repeat her previous response, “It’s hell … earth.”

They ignored her.

Hope nearly gave up but took a deep breath and repeated her question, “Why is it so dark?”

Her mommy’s eyes opened in surprise at the question. For the first time in a long time, Hope saw her mommy give thought to her interest. Hope followed her mommy’s eyes as they both looked outside – at the Darkness. It had been dark for years. Her mommy looked at the TV and Raven passed out through the haze. Mommy’s expression revealed she knew the answer, but she seemed hesitant.

“Mommy?” Hope reached across the deserted kitchen table.

Silence joined the smoke. Hope looked into her mommy’s eyes. Her eyes reached out in one last attempt.

Finally, she answered, “I don’t know.”

“They left,” Raven mumbled, “Who cares. I like it!” She wallowed in the torn cushions.

Hope’s face was more perplexed than before, “Who? I don’t understand.”

“You were little when it happened—” she muttered.

“Still too little," Mommy added with a long face.

“What?” Hope pleaded.

The smoke began to subside. Her mommy inhaled a pocket of air, “They were taken away.”


Her mommy simply and plainly said, “Because they had the Light.”

“It was the government,” Raven mumbled.

Image by Melody, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Hope sunk deep into her chair as if to find more answers. Finally, she got up from her seat and carefully brought her coloring book to her mommy. She reached over the kitchen table toward her mommy’s scarred arms, “Look mommy!” She pointed at her Crayon-filled drawing with a house on top of a hill. She had drawn a black sky with white clouds and a bright yellow line directed at the house. Yellow streaks shot out of the windows.

Shocked, “Why did you draw this?” Mommy grabbed the paper from her tiny hands.

“I saw it,” she squeaked.

Mommy’s eyes widened, “Where?”

“I show you,” she pulled on her mommy’s hand, out the front door and pointed up the street at the house on top of the hill. With eyes of a sad kitten, “I’m tired of living in darkness.”

Her mommy fought back a tear but lost. Not a full-fledged blubber, but more of a grasp at hope. She glanced back at Raven perched in the doorway – and dropped to her knees. Mommy –

tightly held her daughter. They gazed at the Light from the house on the hill as Mommy asked, “But how?”

Monday, May 1, 2023

Fool's Gold Rush - POEM of the MONTH!

Fool’s Gold Rush
There once was gold in the hills
But a rush of fools in the city
Now hand out pans filled
With empty promises
As common sense
Was strip-mined
Without a claim
There once was reason in the halls
But a rush of fools in the city
Now hand out lull theories
"File:Life In The Streets In San Francisco (89065523).jpeg"
Giuseppe Milo is licensed under CC BY 3.0.

On pans of relative truth
While clear rhetoric
Was strip-mined
Without a claim
There once was a golden state
But a rush of fools in the city
Now hand out faded paper
As a dredged people
Walk the street
Of fool’s gold
With a claim
There once was the land of the free
But fools rushed to the capitol city
Invaded the right to our privacy
Denied God’s offer of eternity
Handed out redefined laws
And rewritten histories
As an unarmed people
Faced a pending death
With or without gold
Stripped of a claim
Or just plain

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

My Favorite Mirror - POEM of the MONTH!

My Favorite Mirror
In my house
There is a mirror
In every room
Even the hallway
And the entry
Is my favorite mirror
Before the world
Is blessed by my presence
Or before guests arrive
My mirror listens to me
Even while they’re here
And after they leave
My favorite mirror
My favorite image
My favorite indifference
My favorite judgment
I spied your gaze
Into my mirror
What you showed me
Was quite clear
In your house
Is my favorite mirror
Desilvered and cracked
By which you judge me
I cried at your gaze
Into my mirror
What you showed me
Was clearly ugly
In my house
I give you all my mirrors
And you shattered them
Into unrecognizable pieces
From your house
Is your favorite mirror
Blessed by your presence
Before I see the world
Now the one you gave me
Is my favorite mirror
The one you freely gave me
Is my favorite mirror


"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."
- 1 Corinthians 13:12

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Nothing Left to Imagine (Epilogue)

... as if to dig for buried treasure
And discover a priceless diamond,
Believe the pages without measure,
Then, there's eternity left to imagine.


[Click the above title to read the poem in its entirety.]

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Train Wreck (a pantoum) - POEM of the MONTH!

 Train Wreck (a pantoum)

Being driven by the urge to stand still
I watched the passenger train derail
It screeched and pounded with a shrill
At iron against flesh with a wail
I watched the passenger train derail
My jaw dropped to the platform
At iron against flesh with a wail
Of death screaming like a thunderstorm
My jaw dropped to the platform
In disbelief at the destructive disarray
Of death screaming like a thunderstorm
I pounded my chest, to face it this way
In disbelief at the destructive disarray
I felt a surge of Divine courage
I pounded my chest to face it this way
Firm in faith against chaos and carnage
I felt a surge of Divine courage
It screeched and pounded with a shrill
Firm in faith against chaos and carnage
Being driven by the urge to stand still
"Train wreck" by Thundercheese is
licensed under 
CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

“Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” 
- I Corinthians 16:13 


Also published in Synchronized Chaos, January 15, 2024.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Two Hands - POEM of the MONTH!

Two Hands
“But there’s not enough time”
I told my bucket list
I only have two hands
The minutes fill up my day
But some seem minute
When the candle is half gone
I wish I had more
Though I cannot make it
I can always share it
I only have two hands
To give to you, my dear
And that is enough time



Sunday, January 1, 2023

Tomorrow Never Ends - POEM of the MONTH!

Tomorrow Never Ends 
"Anxiety" by Joana Rojas -
still here
 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

One day at a time
Is all the mind can manage
Because tomorrow never ends
One hour in time
May even be overwhelming
Especially a watched minute
Let the anxieties of time tick by
There will always be tomorrow
Until the last today


(If using a mobile device please turn your device
 horizontally for the best view of this post.)