Saturday, June 1, 2024

Looking - POEM of the MONTH!

Looking into a weathered face,
looking for heaven on a place
called earth is a journey
not worth the effort,
no one can afford it.
Some ask “where?” Even
“When?” But most are
asking for … what can
take the tears away?
Sing me a song to
soothe my soul.
Plug me into the
next binge-worthy, wait!
How about a take-over
worthy of a snow storm? 
Give me more, but –
my sanity is worth more 
than the monetary.
Someone click Pause!
Can you spare a match?
Or a dime? Well, that’s
how much connection
with another human
was once worth. I need
a cigarette! Who are you?

"Man smoking cigarette" by Toronto History
 is licensed under CC BY 2.0
I’m just looking for the
next … Are you her?
Don’t lie to me again,
“Lie to me again,”
she mocked. Will
someone just
lie next to me?
That would be
just heaven.
Gotta match?
I need light...

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