Where the wheels of poetry and prose spin ...

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Destroyer of Worlds - POEM of the MONTH!

Destroyer of Worlds
Atomic discovery
Focused singularity
Targeted by military
A sword so fiery
Inception swirled
Destroyer of worlds
A published theory
Turned to philosophy
Grew into ideology
Flowered politically
Then exploded
Into genocide
Fictional query
Just conceptually
Though adequately
Too realistically
Then exploded
Into the unintended
A post gossipy
With zero dignity
Targeted acutely
Angered abruptly
Then exploded
Into hatred
Sincere doxology
Human inadequacy
Incomplete study
Inaccurate theology
Faith confused
Hearts bruised

Inevitable entropy
Or deceived humanity
By misplaced equality
Decline of morality
Then exploded
Into a society eroded

Sword or artillery
Strength unequally
By a pen’s creativity
Used irresponsibly
Worlds destroyed
The pen can avoid

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